iPhones everywhere, a sea of iPhones all on different websites, apps, facetimes. People so addicted to their iPhones they suffer from mild headaches after a long day of staring at a screen of 4.5 inches x 2.3 inches. This is the nightmare I have at least once a month, of people too consumed into their apple product to even give my face a glance. The worst part is my nightmare is becoming a reality. Everyone in my family has an iPhone, and I am the only one who isn't addicted to theirs. To show the addiction in plain sight, here is an example. The other night, we had a family dinner, all five of us. This is pretty rare nowadays considering four out of the five of us work or are busy with some other activity. As I was trying to see what was new with my family, especially since I was in a good mood and was genuinely curious of what they had to say, I was disappointed when I looked up from my steak and mashed potatoes to see that everyone was checking their stupid smart phone. (how ironic). My sister was on Instagram, my brother on twitter, my mom had the audacity to sit there and play an intense game of scramble with friends, and my dad checking his email. Come on people, get real. Needless to say I became infuriated and got up from the table and finished my dinner in my room. No one even bothered to ask where I went. Its not like this legitimately hurt my feelings, but rather angered me and made me want to do away with my own iPhone and send a reality check to the rest of the Mayberries.
I see iPhone addicts everywhere I go now, especially school. I understand that you need to text someone in class or even play a game now and then to pass the time, but constantly snapchatting out of your bookbag? Unless you are naturally that conceded, who really wants to see your face every 30 seconds?
I don't wanna come off as a technology hating hippie, but people, people, get real.